Phoenix Police Department Compliance and Oversight Bureau challenge coin order


150 pieces
Die-cast coins
2 inch X 4mm
Nickel with Shiny Gold
2 sides Color
1 side 3D: $75.00
Standard Edge

Coin Mold: $150.00
150 coin threshold reached: -$75.00
First Responder: -$35.00
Per Coin: $5.10
Order Total: $880.00

Compliance and Oversight Bureau challenge coin

Out of stock


150 pieces
Die-cast coins
2 inch X 4mm
Nickel with Shiny Gold
2 sides Color
1 side 3D: $75.00
Standard Edge

Coin Mold: $150.00
150 coin threshold reached: -$75.00
First Responder: -$35.00
Per Coin: $5.10
Order Total: $880.00

Compliance and Oversight Bureau challenge coin