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Hey everyone Rob here with Spartan Coins. If you would like to learn about myself and Spartan Coins then you can read this about us page.
If you’re interested in getting your custom challenge coin project started then I would encourage you to either fill out our quote form or simply contact us by calling our 800 number at 1-855-477-7826 or emailing us [email protected].
When I graduated from high school in 1992 I didn’t have any thoughts about going into the military. As 92 transitioned in 93 I found myself wanting more than what an average job could offer. I decided to join the Navy and left an Arizona winter for basic training in frigid Great Lakes Illinois on February 1, 1993. I shoveled snow for my first and only time while in basic training!
In the Navy I worked on the flight deck aboard USS Wasp LHD-1 as an ABF or Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Fuels, a purple shirt! I eventually transitioned into flight deck control where I was tasked with assigning fueling crews to service specific spots on the flight deck and of course requesting service from the pump rooms.
My active duty service ended January 31, 1997 while in dry dock in Portsmouth Virginia. I will never forget the final time I requested permission to go ashore!
When you’re really young you never realize how fast time goes by as your experience is mostly limited to going to school and you don’t have much “real life experience”. I sometimes wonder what my career in the Navy would have been like had I stayed.
One of my problems was I was very short sighted and overly focused on the additional time I would have had to serve aboard USS Wasp. Another problem was that I let other people’s opinion of the Navy influence my own opinion.
I worked for Sealy Mattress Company for a long time after getting out of the Nav. In 2006 while working into my ninth year at Sealy I got an opportunity to go to work for a former shipmate of mine, designing custom challenge coins.
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With limited experience, some fear and a lot of hope I started my coin designing career the Tuesday following Memorial Day in 2006. I worked for for almost seven years. During the course of that time expanded into Graphic Incorporated and gained control of

In April 2013 Jeffrey and I parted ways and Spartan Coins was born. I personally love designing custom metal promotional products and I really love getting to explore my own creativity. Getting to work as a graphic designer
is a dream I didn’t realize I had but it’s a dream come true.
Obviously being the owner of a business demands knowing more than just how to operate a graphics program. I am constantly trying to improve my knowledge and experience in other programs and segments of business in general.
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My Grandmother always says life is the best teacher and she is absolutely right based on my experience. You will never learn how demanding running a business can be until you experience it in real life.
Cheers to all the courageous souls out there who pursue their passion!
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