Our artwork service is always FREE with your order.Home > Free Artwork Coin Proof
Our artwork service is always FREE! Meaning we do NOT charge anything above what your custom coin order costs. We appreciate the opportunity to serve everyone, however please note - communication is key. If we attempt to contact you about your inquiry and we don't receive a response then it will be assumed that you are no longer interested.
We are more than happy to provide prospective clients with a free coin proof in most cases *. Free artwork is always completed on a first come, first served and as time permits basis. Submitting a price quote request is NO guarantee that you will receive a free coin proof.
Free artwork proofs for prospective clients are completed solely at our discretion and are largely dependent upon the scope of the design. Client (defined as: those doing business with us) artwork will take precedent over prospective client free coin proof.
Our free coin proofs are sent out in JPEG or .jpg file format. We never send our clients vector artwork for their approval. Vector artwork may be available from us upon completion of our transaction and for an additional fee.
Every client will see and must approve artwork in order to proceed with full production unless we are creating a duplicate coin. Clients will never be coerced into approving artwork they are NOT satisfied with. Please remember, high quality images make the best coins. Low quality artwork - we will probably ask if you have something better.
Our business is custom metal promotional products (primarily custom coins and custom lapel pins) and we are here to make your experience pleasantly memorable and hopefully referral worthy. We can take your design ideas from something as simple as written words in an email or as elaborate as high quality complex images. We are standing by to make your first or next custom metal keepsake.

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